Great JavaScript bloggers to follow in 2022
Let me share some of the great blogs I regularly learn something new from.
It is an opinionated list with the only criteria - the posts should appear regularly, at least monthly (this is why the otherwise brilliant Dan Abramov's Overreacted is not on the list).
The ordering goes from less popular (subjectively) to more popular.
Amelia Watternberger writes beautifully crafted tutorials on various topics with many visuals. Take, for example, Creating a Gauge in React or Combining React and D3.
Zhenghao, an engineer at Instacart, has a gift of writing very clearly on complicated topics. The write-ups are mostly about React and TypeScript, but also on general and self-reflecting topics like carrying out an interview, or becoming a manager.
Steven is a web developer, but the topics here writes on are notoriously broad. I recommend reading React - The Missing Parts, and, completely unrelated, On Progress about how products become worse. Oh yeah, and that stunning intro!
Josh W Comeau is a regular author of the Smashing Magazine. He mostly writes about UI and CSS: why using a UI framework might not be a good idea, a nice way to organize a React app,
Robin Wieruch mostly writes on React and Node. His write-ups are usually very thorough and beginner-friendly.
I believe Dr. Rauschmayer aka 2ality doesn't need any special introduction. He is famous for his concise articles in which he explores and explains some of the new ECMAScript and Node features: Rest vs. spread, on findLast and findLastIndex, etc. His blog goes back as far as 2005 and remains one of the greatest sources of knowledge for developers.
I love David Walsh's small mini-tutorials on how to use a specific feature like valueAsNumber on inputs, CSS :has property, or detecting dark mode.
BONUS (not really a JavaScript blog): Bartosz Ciechanowski explains complicated topics with stunning visualizations. I've found out about it recently and was blown away by the quality and the amount of work put into those articles. It's pretty crazy. Just open a random article and prepare to be amazed.