Best JavaScript Bloggers To Follow In 2019
It has been 164 issues of my weekly JavaScript newsletter already. And this little article is becoming some sort of a tradition. I did one like this in 2017 and in 2018, so this is the third one.
Here I simply list the authors that I think are very good at writing about JavaScript. They are all strong personalities, achievers and what's the most important JavaScript community influencers.
Feel free to put everyone on this list into your favorite RSS reader without a second thought. You just can't regret it.
For every author, I provide a short overview and a small list of greatest hits. Enjoy!
Overreacted — Dan Abramov
- We know Dan as an author of the Redux and a core member of the React team. But he's also a prolific author.
- His style is a bit informal but at the same time very structured.
- As you would expect he writes mostly about React but also about the human side of software development, soft skills, etc.
- A Complete Guide to useEffect
- React as a UI Runtime
- Things I Don't Know as of 2018
2ality — Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
- One of the oldest but still very valuable authors on JavaScript — the earliest blog posts are from 2005.
- He's also the author of several free ebooks: “Exploring ES6”, “Exploring ReasonML“
- Axel writes about the modern JS features (ECMAScript20xx) and proposals
- ES proposal:
- Future JavaScript: what is still missing?
Tyler McGinnis
- Tyler is the author of several successful video courses
- Even though he doesn't write too often, the articles are usually very deep and come together with a video
- He writes a lot about Modern JavaScript, React and Redux
- JavaScript Modules: From IIFEs to CommonJS to ES6 Modules
- Code Splitting with React and React Router
- var vs let vs const in JavaScript
Human Who Codes — Nicholas C. Zakas
- Nicholas is a frequent conference speaker and the author of “Understanding ECMAScript 6” and other books
- Oh, and also he created the eslint.
- The ECMAScript 2016 change you probably don't know
- My (somewhat) complete salary history as a software engineer
Reginald Braithwaite
- Reginald wrote one of my favorite JavaScript books – “JavaScript Allongé”
- His articles are not aimed at the beginners, as he writes mostly about some advanced JavaScript (and general programming) stuff
- A Brutal Look at Balanced Parentheses, Computing Machines, and Pushdown Automata
- Pattern Matching and Recursion
David Walsh
- David is a senior Mozilla developer and a core MooTools contributor
- He writes on widely different topics (not JS-only)
- Awesome Automation and Integration with Buddy
- JavaScript Promises
- fetch API
Todd Motto
- Todd is a public speaker, he has been teaching JavaScript for more than 5 years. Author of
- If you were thinking there is too much React in this list. Todd writes a lot about Angular and TypeScript.
- Classes vs Interfaces in TypeScript
- Step by Step Custom Pipes in Angular
- Typing Arrays in TypeScript
Addy Osmani
- Everyone knows Addy Osmani. He is one of the most prolific authors and conference speakers, the author of “Learning JavaScript Design Patterns” and other books
- Currently working in Google Chrome team.
- And thus there are lot's of articles written by him on performance optimizations and the inners of Chrome
- Web Page Usability Matters
- Exploring a back/forward cache for Chrome
- Native image lazy-loading for the web!
Wes Bos
- Wes Bos is a famous author and conference speaker
- He has created numerous JavaScript courses.
- In his blog posts, he often promotes those. Nevertheless, the articles are highly valuable by themselves
- Flying a DJI Tello Drone with React and Node.js
- React's New Context API Explained

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